Inspired by Jason Thatcher‘s provocative, yet inspiring opinion piece about #technostress research, I feel compelled to comment on what more is there to look into when it comes to technostress research. As Jason …
To teachers
The other day I got to go back to IT-Universitetet i København as an Alumni #speaker at the graduation ceremony and share the stage with Jens Christian Godskesen, Pernille Rydén and Helle Friis. What an honor to …
Nordic Women in Tech Awards Nominee, 2022
I’ve been recently nominated as the “Rising star of the year” for the Nordic Women in Tech Awards – and I can’t be more excited and humbled at the same time. Especially …
If Digitalization is the answer, then what was the question? A case study of how technostress is made.
Building further on our soon five years of researching #technostress in Danish #organisations, Hanne Westh Nicolajsen and I wrote a provocative piece titled: “If digitalization is the answer, then what was the question. A case …
Book Chapter
Great news: Soon, my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, and I, we will have the pleasure to publish a book chapter titled: “Sociological mechanisms behind ICT related technostress in …
Stereotyping kills collaboration in remote work — what can filmography teach us about it
Why do we stereotype? And how does stereotyping affect trust and performance in (virtual) teams? A stereotype is a “fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of …
How to write as a leader – A research-based approach to online writing for digital leaders
This article provides a research-based approach to how digital leaders can use writing techniques, such as summarizing, persuading and storytelling, to lead through writing, in a world where we don’t …
Teaching philosophy: Contextual based teaching, improvisation, and the brain
At the time of writing this statement, I am employed at the IT University of Copenhagen as a Ph.D. Fellow, focused on Digital Leadership and Emotions in Information Systems. So …
A social intelligence framework for leaders
The framework presented in this blog post was created for the workshop: Digital leadership and communication. You are welcome to use it with the right crediting. RALUCA STANA
Digital Leadership and Communication
Reflections on our first workshop – “Digital Leadership and Communication” On 8th of September, 2017, 12 handpicked leaders from Danish companies met at IT University of Copenhagen to learn about …